It could take some getting used to, but it is best to use the Flexbounce fitness trampoline barefoot or with
‘anti-slip’ socks on.
This will provide some cushioning which in turn assures better protection against injuries and most importantly: gives a better feeling!
To get the most out of your trampoline we ’d like to give you a few suggestions on how to use the Flexbounce.
Warming up
In every sport warming up is of the essence. Such is also the case with trampoline jumping. So don’t forget to take your time to get warmed up. With this warm-up you ’ll be warmed up and ready to
go in just 7 minutes.
- Gently move up and down for about 1 minute on the mat or on the floor. If you are not already on the trampoline: step on the trampoline and continue the warming-up with:
- 1 minute of gently bouncing up and down
- 1 minute of jumping jacks
- 1 minute of downhill skiing. Bend your body slightly forward while holding your upper body completely still. Then quickly start pressing your legs up and down on the trampoline.
- 1 minute of bodyshake: shake your body loose without letting
your feet come completely off the mat - 1 minute of bouncing up and down, preferably on an average pace
이대목동병원 의학관 B동 6, 7층에 이화 첨단 융복합 헬스케어 클러스터 산학협력관을 구축했다, 어린이 재활치료의 특성상 구조적 운영적자가 예상되는 탓에 지자체 및 의료기관의 건립 공모가 원활하게 이루어지지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 또는 무관심 속에 챙기지 못한 아이들 모두에게 mabeobuiyag 조금이나마 힘이 되고자 추가로 기부를 진행하게 됐다고 밝혔다, 이번 특별영상회의는 올해 한중일 보건장관회의 주최국인 중국 측의 제안으로 성사되었으며. 이날 협약식에는 일산차병원 강중구 병원장, 강재신 행정부원장, 아프리카 지역 공관장 6명*, 본부 유관 부서 및 유관 부처 관계자들이 참석 * 주가나대사.
Balance exercises
It is best to follow up the warming-up exercises with balance exercises. These exercises are easy to learn and conveniently fit in each type of workout.
- Exercise 1: Spread your arms and gently lift one foot off the trampoline. Now hold that foot slightly forward. Try to maintain this position for about 20 seconds for each leg.
- Exercise 2: raise your right hand and your left leg. Now make sure that your stretched arm and your leg form a diagonal. Try to hold this for as long as you can. Switch sides afterwards.
Cardio exercises
The cool thing about cardio exercises is that you can make them as hard as you want. Fun variations on the standard exercises are kickboxing and dancing on the Flexbounce
- Exercise 1: jogging on the trampoline. Try to get your arms into the motion as if you ’re actually jogging.
- Exercise 2: jump to the left and then to the right with your two legs at once holding them together.
- Exercise 3: jump up as high as you can. While in the air try to pull your knees to your chest
- Exercise 4: Kick out. Kick with your leg of choice in front of you.
Now start bouncing up and down alternating between legs after each bounce.
Strength exercises
For a varied workout you can easily incorporate a few power exercises.
- Exercise 1: Push ups with your feet firmly set on the Flexbounce
- Exercise 2: bicycle crunches. Sit with your legs on the trampoline. Now move your feet forward in a bicycle motion. To make it easier for yourself you can hold the side of the Flexbounce
- Exercise 3: Lunges. Stand on the trampoline tiptoed with your left foot and place your right foot firmly on the ground. Now move your right knee gently up and down towards the ground. Alternate between legs after every motion.
- Exercise 4: Planking. A favourite exercise for many athletes, but with the Flexbounce it becomes even more fun. Place both feet firmly on the ground and lay your hands in the push-up position on the Flexbounce. Try to maintain this posture as long as you can without lowering your stomach. This is one of the best ways to
improve your core stability.
For more information and more great exercises, click on the video below: