Why Rebounding is the ideal fitness exercise for most people
Rebounding on a fitness trampoline is fun, easy, non-jarring, safe, and convenient, requires little instruction or training in order to start. Has a powerful effect on the immune system, along with other positive effects on things like aerobic conditioning level, cardiovascular fitness, and strength, balance, and coordination, an is as easy to sustain as a practice because it works great with listening to music, watching TV, talking on a phone headset, or working out with others.
Why rebounding is so beneficial
- There may be no better physical exercise than rebounding: it is fun, easy, safe, convenient, and powerfully effective; its almost certain effects include an immune system boost, cardio-vascular improvement, strength, balance, and flexibility gains, and weight loss or redistribution; it may also make the cells, bones, and the rest of the body stronger, “gravitationally,” from the “inside out.”
- Rebounding is more powerful than it may look: go slowly at first, and always be conscious, aware, and safe when you are on, near, or getting on or off a rebounder.
- Bounce without socks or bare feet you can, and bounce outdoors when you can!
- Your first priority is to keep rebounding for whatever minimum time you set; to do this, pick five or six Basic Bounces” (natural and enjoyable movements) that you can always come back to, e.g., jumping jacks, twists, arm circles, running in place, etc.
- Time flows easily with music, television, meditation, or bouncing with others.
- When rebounding, always allow and encourage yourself to fully breathe – the master key to health and healing – letting your neck, shoulders, pelvis, and abdomen relax, while filling your body with as much air and energy as possible, as you work through, dissolve, and release stuck physical and energetic patterns.
- If you ever get out of breath, just relax and keep bouncing, and the rebounder will begin to breathe you, move you, and recharge your energy.
- There are thousands of different ways to use a rebounder, many of which will be unique to you, e.g., just slightly turning your hands can totally change the effects of a jumping jack, and barely raising your heels can fully alter your leg usage.
- A rebounder is a universal machine in that almost any other type of physical practice (ballet, martial arts, skiing, etc.) can be brought to it – try what you like!
- Rebounding can be seen as a universal inner practice as well, as almost any other type of interior, psychological, emotional, or spiritual practice (meditation, mantra, mandala, visualization, chanting, singing, sound play, etc.) can be brought to it.
- Hand weights may be good for a part of a workout, but keep them light, don’t whip them around, and bounce without them before ending your workout.
- Rebounding is a precious, amazing, and vital gift to give to yourself and others.
There are many rebounders available in the market. Flexbounce offers high quality fitness rebounders with handle bar for extra stability and more variety of exercises. Check our webshop for latest special offers.
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